On March 7th, a delegation from the Hub de Inteligência Artificial e Arquiteturas Cognitivas (H.IAAC), composed of researchers Vinícius Fernandes Soares Mota (UFES), Antonio Loureiro (UFMG), Eduardo Cerqueira (UFPA), Allan Souza (IC/ UNICAMP), Leandro Villas (IC/UNICAMP), Doctoral student Wellington Lobato Jr (IC/UNICAMP), and Postdoc Joahannes Bruno (IC/UNICAMP), visited the CPE SMARTNESS 2030 facilities at FEEC/UNICAMP. On that occasion, the delegation was received by Prof. Christian Rothenberg, principal researcher and director of the Center, having the opportunity to learn about the structure and objectives of the center, as well as to follow some of the research work in progress.
We thank the researchers for the visit, hoping that it is just the first step of many opportunities for joint work and collaborations.