On July 9th and 10th, professors and researchers of the FAPESP PORVIR-5G thematic project: José Marcos Silva Nogueira and Daniel Macedo (UFMG), Rodolfo Villaça and Magnos Martinello (UFES), Cristiano Both (UNISINOS), and Juliano Wickboldt (UFRGS), visited the headquarters of SMARTNESS at the LCA laboratory of (FEEC/UNICAMP).
On this occasion, Ph.D. students Alan Teixeira and Francisco Vogt, MSc. student Rodrigo Clerici, and postdoctoral researcher Dr. Fabricio Rodriguez conducted a short workshop. Their presentations showcased the main topics their current research on SMARTNESS WPs covers.
The professors also engaged in augmented reality demonstrations using the VR goggles set up at the LCA Showroom.