To reduce the impact of security vulnerabilities, security checkings on software need to be carried out during the development and after the deployment. Among the several options, fuzz testing is considered the most promising method for discovering vulnerabilities during and after development. After the deployment, regular verifications considering open vulnerabilities databases have been pointed out as the ideal procedure, but these actions must be carried out sustainably. The student will investigate the impact of sustainable grammar-based fuzz testing and different open vulnerability databases on the security of smart environments in 5G and B5G networks. Previous research findings on program-aware fuzzing obtained by the IME/USP team will be a starting point for the student's activities.
Security, Software Testing, Computer Networks.
November 30th, 2023
São Paulo
March 24
Daniel Macêdo Batista
First year: R$ 2,507.10 Second year: R$ 2,661.60 Plus 10% annually for research contingency funds (Optionally) 1-Year Research Internship Abroad (BEPE) at a partner international institution.
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