Future services in mobile networks will involve several partners to work (users, cloud providers, edge providers, highway concessionaires, etc.), and it is important to be sure that each node in the service is, indeed, the expected node. This will reduce the chances of security breaches and ensure the expected QoS level, considering the users’ identity. In this scenario, the Ph.D. student will propose mechanisms to allow the fast and secure identification of all the communication nodes. Innovative architectures and protocols such as Blockchain and SPDM (Security Protocol and Data Model) will be considered for the solutions. When providing URLLC and mMTC types of end-to-end services, mechanisms for protecting the network need to be much more efficient than the current ones to avoid excessive overheads that increase the latency, break the SLAs, or even cause a DoS in the system. The Ph.D. student will study the state-of-the-art cryptographic mechanisms and adapt them to future network architectures considering the levels of processing and latency expected in the network infrastructure.
Security, Linux, Computer Networks.
December 12th, 2023
São Paulo, SP
Daniel Macêdo Batista
First year: R$ 3,694.80 Second to fourth years: R$ 4,572.90 Plus 20% annually for research contingency funds (Optionally) 1-Year Research Internship Abroad (BEPE) at a partner international institution.
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