On March 7th, a delegation from the Hub de Inteligência Artificial e Arquiteturas Cognitivas (H.IAAC) visited the CPE SMARTNESS 2030 facilities at FEEC/UNICAMP.
On March 7th, a delegation from the Hub de Inteligência Artificial e Arquiteturas Cognitivas (H.IAAC) visited the CPE SMARTNESS 2030 facilities at FEEC/UNICAMP.
On March 2nd, the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FEEC) hosted its annual traditional welcome event, extending a warm invitation to new students, alumni, and the wider public.
Marina Martinelli, a doctoral researcher at Unicamp and SMARTNESS 2030, was interviewed by Mobile Time Magazine.
Fabricio Rodriguez and Christian Rothenberg, “Offloading Robotic and UAV applications to the network using programmable data planes”, in IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (IEEE NFV-SDN), 2023.
Felipe Augusto Mota, César Bastos da Silva, Victor Ferman, and Eric Rohmer, “Investigação acerca de Idosos para desenvolvimento de uma solução de Casa Inteligente Assistiva baseda em IORT”, in XII Congreso Iberoamericano de Tecnologías de Apoyo a la Discapacidad (IBERDISCAP), 2023.
César Bastos da Silva, Felipe Augusto Mota, Victor Ferman, and Eric Rohmer, “EKF–SLAM baseado em Landmarks Naturais e Artificiais a ser aplicado em uma Cadeira de rodas inteligente”, in XII Congreso Iberoamericano de Tecnologías de Apoyo a la Discapacidad (IBERDISCAP), 2023.
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