Prof. Christian Rothenberg, Principal Investigator of the SMARTNESS Research Center recently represented the center at several significant European academic events.
In July 2024, Fabricio Rodriguez successfully defended his doctoral dissertation titled “Low-latency in-network applications through programmable data planes”, under the guidance of Professor Christian Esteve Rothenberg.
Thiago D. Ferreira, Otavio Felipe de Freitas, Renan C. A. Alves, Bruno C. Albertini, Marcos A. Simplicio Jr., Daniel M. Batista, “SPDM-WiD: Uma Ferramenta para Inspeção de Pacotes do Security Protocol Data Model (SPDM)”, in Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos - Salão de Ferramentas (SBRC), 2024.
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