In June 2023, Francisco Germano Vogt successfully defended his master's dissertation titled “In-band Telemetry using Inter-packet Gap Metrics for Network and Service Metrics Management”, under the guidance of Professor Christian Esteve Rothenberg.
In June 2023, Francisco Germano Vogt successfully defended his master's dissertation titled “In-band Telemetry using Inter-packet Gap Metrics for Network and Service Metrics Management”, under the guidance of Professor Christian Esteve Rothenberg.
Ariel Góes represented the INTRIG group at the IEEE ICC 2023, presenting "Taking detours: An in-network fault-tolerant probing planning for In-band Network Telemetry" in the context of sustainable communications.
This year, the 41st edition of the SBRC hosted the SMARTNESS/5G Dataset Challenge Hackathon, providing teams with a platform to develop innovative solutions and gain valuable insights through analyzing datasets provided by the organizing committee. The SMARTNESS Hackathon was hosted at SBRC 2023 on 05/25/2023, and its theme was “Developing solutions and insights using machine learning on data from 5G networks in Brazil”.
Francisco D. Nobre, Silvio D. Silva-Santos, Mauricio W. Benjó da Silva, Hugo E. Hernandez-Figueroa, Geraldo Melo, and Wagner Castro, “Graphene-based multifunctional signal divider in THz region”, in Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 2023.
Faezeh Pasandideh, Fabricio E. Rodriguez Cesen, Pedro Henrique Morgan Pereira, Christian Esteve Rothenberg, and Edison Pignaton de Freitas, “An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for UAV Base Station Placement”, in Wireless Personal Communications, 2023.
Fabricio Rodriguez, Francisco Germano Vogt, Ariel Góes De Castro, Marcos Felipe Schwarz, and Christian Rothenberg, “P4 Programmable Patch Panel (P7): An Instant 100G Emulated Network on Your Tofino-based Pizza Box”, in ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (ACM SIGCOMM) Poster and Demo Session, 2022. (SIGCOMM SRC’22 Award Winner)
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