Phd candidate Md Tariqul Islam awarded the Best Doctoral Symposium Paper for his distinguished work “QoE Evaluation for Emerging Media Applications: Network-Level Analysis and Traffic Modeling.”
Phd candidate Md Tariqul Islam awarded the Best Doctoral Symposium Paper for his distinguished work “QoE Evaluation for Emerging Media Applications: Network-Level Analysis and Traffic Modeling.”
The SMARTNESS 2030 Engineering Research Center held several Open Science activities, including a lecture by Prof. Dr. Cláudia Bauzer Medeiros during SMARTNESS HOUR, participation of Dr. Eduardo Sartori in UNICAMP's LOVE DATA DAY, and a presentation on Research Ethics and Open Science.
The SBSeg 2024 was held in São José dos Campos, where researchers from the CPE SMARTNESS presented their latest work. Highlights include Ph.D. student Caio Teixeira's award-winning paper on post-quantum cryptography in vehicular networks and Master's student Rodrigo Pierini's exploration of the Forro14 cipher in programmable hardware. USP student Thiago Ferreira also received an honorable mention for his fuzzing technique paper.
Rodrigo A. de A. Pierini, Caio Teixeira, Christian Esteve Rothenberg, Marco A. Amaral Henriques, “Implementação e avaliação da cifra de fluxo Forro14 em hardware programável Tofino usando a linguagem P4”, in XXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais (SBSeg), 2024.
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